Friday, September 13, 2019

Cool Reasons To Consider Sperm Freezing

Is sperm freezing a good thing to do for young male adults? If you ask the most trusted IVF clinic in Davao, the answer is a BIG YES!

Sperm cryopreservation is the process of sperm banking for future treatment, especially for those who plan to have a family in the future or people with problems with regards to their reproductive health.

If you would like to know why you should consider freezing your sperm, here are three cool reasons:

1. 20's is the best age to produce ‘good’ sperm

Scientifically speaking, the sperm that you produce during your 20s has a lesser chance of causing genetic mutation than that which you produce during your 40s and 50s. This means that freezing your sperm earlier in your adult life wi;; mean that you will be expecting a sperm with fewer abnormalities, genetically.

Moreover, your sperm count depletes through time. Freezing your sperm in your 20s provides a greater chance of having a baby once you decide that you want to build a family.

2. Duty calls? No problem.

Adulting is a phase where we need to make crucial choices for the improvement of our lives. We need to decide where we will be working, or how we will be able to earn money for ourselves and our future endeavors. This includes being away from our partner for prolonged periods of time if necessary.

Sperm freezing would be a beacon of light for people in long-distance relationships. There are jobs that require us to be away from our home for some time. Cryopreservation will be the answer whenever we want to have a baby even if we are away from our partners. Awesome, right?

3. Medical hindrances no more

Some men experience medical conditions where their reproductive system may be affected. This may sometimes affect their fertility in the future, but worry no more! Sperm freezing is the answer.
Sperm freezing for people with medical conditions is a great method for preserving the quality or count of sperm in case of times when your fertility is threatened. This sheds light on an opportunity for people who are scheduled for vasectomies or organ removal to have their own offspring in the future.

Freezing your sperm might sound like nothing more than a novelty idea, but it is something that young adult men should be considering. 

Did you know that an IVF in Davao City offers sperm freezing? Check out IVF Davao, Inc. for more information on the procedure and for full details on the procedure.

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