Friday, December 27, 2019

Why Is Egg Freezing Popular?

There are a lot of factors that affect fertility. This includes age, diet, alcohol consumption, and more. However, as we age, although we think we can control what comes in our body, there are still things that are out of our control. Being fertile today doesn’t secure your fertility rate in the next 10 years. That’s when egg freezing comes into the picture.

When did egg freezing become popular?

Egg freezing is meant to reserve and preserve a woman’s capacity to reproduce at any point in her life. It started to turn heads in 2012 when the American Society for Reproductive Medicine introduced their experimental tag to the public. It became popular because of modern women’s choices to delay their reproduction in order to focus on career, finance, and other important purposes. Ever since the establishment of the discovery in both local and international IVF centers, the diversity of choices that made up family planning began to change.

The success of Egg freezing

Because of failed attempts, Egg freezing remained as an experimental tag before it was established. After possibilities were soon advanced with further research, researchers finally declared a modern egg freezing method with a higher possibility of success.


The measures of higher success rates

Discoveries have figured advanced methods for egg freezing but the success rate still depends on the body that the egg thrives in. Egg freezing is similarly dependent on these measures:

  • Age 
  • Dietary Habits
  • Lifestyle 

...and more.

Although egg freezing doesn’t exactly guarantee a baby in the future, it does reduce a woman’s pressure to give birth to a child for social, career and other personal reasons.

Women today are more career-oriented. According to USA Today, women account for 57.3% of workers in the occupation, up from 50.6% in 2000. In the modern age, especially in the Philippines, it’s needless to say that women are more likely to prioritize their careers and their parents and siblings than immediately proceeding with childbirth.

Learn more from the experts. I recommend that you visit to know more about the IVF success rates regarding egg freezing.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

How Do Couples Benefit From Fertility Counseling Before Entering Parenthood?

When couples experience problems related to fertility, having an open mind is essential to resolve issues immediately. Since the nature of these problems is biological and psychological in nature, there is a need for the professional help from fertility experts, psychiatrists, and psychologists. Taking a holistic approach is always proven effective. 
According to the Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, getting emotional support when dealing with fertility issues needs an ample amount of sensitivity and understanding. Despite the presence of family members and relatives, it is always better to rely on the recommendations of professionals who have adequate knowledge about your conditions. Counseling is one approach employed to explore the emotional difficulty, fears, anxiety, and distress towards achieving your fertility goals. 

So, how does counseling help you during your fertility journey? 

The importance of consultation

Getting to the roots of the problem and providing interventions are the main goals of counseling. In the process, the counselor can either provide implications for counseling or support counseling. The former involves affording couples or individuals safe spaces to decide, weigh the possible issues, and think of the long-term implications of the procedures involved. The latter is more focused on the emotional aspect of the fertility journey where the couples or individuals are allowed to explore feelings, coping strategies, options, and relationship issues with support systems. 

If you’re looking for fertility experts in Davao, there’s a reliable clinic that offers IVF services in Davao such as egg freezing, embryo freezing, testicular sperm extraction, sperm freezing, and fertility counseling. A leading provider of IVF treatments in Davao City and the only in-vitro fertilization laboratory in Mindanao is IVF Davao Inc. The clinic dedicates its expertise towards turning you into parents and understands the context of your situation. 

Healthy communication between couples

As they say, relationships are strengthened when healthy communication is given utmost importance. When dealing with fertility issues, communication is also a key component. Before getting involved in IVF services, couples and individuals should prepare themselves. 

Aside from considering physical health, those who are involved must also undergo fertility counseling to help them cope, choose properly, and become acquainted with the various aspects regarding the situation. Through the information given by counselors, couples and individuals who want to undergo IVF procedures are capacitated to decide for the enrichment of their relationships and the formation of the future family. 


So, the importance of counseling must not be overlooked. Allowing yourself to prepare and become aware of the possible complications in the future. Parenthood is a long-way journey that demands deep commitment, responsibility, and accountability. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

Points To Ponder If You Want To Improve Your IVF Success

IVF services are on the rise here in the Philippines, as it offers many hopeful couples with another way to have the child they’ve always wanted. Fertility specialists in Davao, Cebu, Metro Manila and other cities in the country are in demand more than ever. They’re always happy to lend a helping hand with your fertility problems.

Although IVF can boost your chances of becoming a parent, you also have to do your part to make sure the procedure is a success.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’ve decided to undergo an IVF treatment.

Preparation Time Matters 

Experts recommend that you start preparing for IVF between 3 to 6 months before you do IVF. Your follicle takes around this much time to mature, and it also improves the quality of your egg.

If you have any vices like smoking or drinking, you’d best quit while you’re ahead. It will give you ample time to recover from their effects on your body.

Vitamins Are Always Vital

Vitamin D and folic acid are usually the most recommended nutrients for women who want to get pregnant or already are. They can help increase your chances for getting pregnant as well as reduce the probability of birth defects. But it’s also better to eat a balanced diet in general, even if you’re not

It Starts With Caring For Yourself

Successful fertility treatment and pregnancy starts with how well you take care of yourself, both in mind and body.

Think of your body as a garden, and your child as a plant. If you want to have healthy plants, you need to take time to prepare healthy soil for them to grow in. Likewise, you need to be in good condition if you want to give birth to a perfectly healthy baby.

Looking for a clinic that offers in vitro fertilization in Davao City? Visit IVF Davao, an expert fertility clinic in the city. They offer their services at more affordable prices than what you would find overseas.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Should You Have Your Sperm Frozen?

Do you and your partner have plans to start a family in the future?

A lot of older couples are reported to be successful in conceiving lately, and many achieve this seemingly impossible feat with the help of treatments like IVF. A lot of the treatments involved in the process of IVF may seem to be primarily focused on women, but medical innovations have created possibilities for men as well.

One option that men might want to look into to improve their chances of having a child in the future is to have their sperm frozen while they are still at their reproductive prime.

What is Sperm Freezing? 

Sperm freezing is a procedure in which healthy sperm is stored at extremely low temperatures for the specific purpose of being used later on. Frozen sperm can be stored for an indefinite time period and, in some instances, may be used after more than twenty years in storage.

If the sperm cannot be collected normally, some of the methods used for retrieving sperm for freezing include testicular sperm aspiration and testicular sperm extraction.

One great advantage of frozen sperm is that they don’t necessarily have to be defrosted and used for just one instance. You can still save some sperm for later on.

Why Freeze Your Sperm? 

There are quite a number of valid reasons why you should consider having your sperm frozen:

Your profession or hobbies may put you at more risk of damaging your testicles, which is known to impact your fertility.

Your sperm count is getting lower and you’d like to save what you still have.

You have decided to undergo a vasectomy but want to keep some of your sperm available in case you’d still like to have children in the future.

You have a medical condition or will have a procedure/treatment done on you that might affect your fertility later on in life.

You’re simply not ready to have children at the moment.

Consult Your Fertility Expert First

If you are planning on having your sperm frozen, be sure to consult with the trusted fertility expert in your area first for the best course of action.

For couples in Davao who are interested, they can get in touch with IVF Davao for their fertility services, which includes sperm freezing.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Cool Reasons To Consider Sperm Freezing

Is sperm freezing a good thing to do for young male adults? If you ask the most trusted IVF clinic in Davao, the answer is a BIG YES!

Sperm cryopreservation is the process of sperm banking for future treatment, especially for those who plan to have a family in the future or people with problems with regards to their reproductive health.

If you would like to know why you should consider freezing your sperm, here are three cool reasons:

1. 20's is the best age to produce ‘good’ sperm

Scientifically speaking, the sperm that you produce during your 20s has a lesser chance of causing genetic mutation than that which you produce during your 40s and 50s. This means that freezing your sperm earlier in your adult life wi;; mean that you will be expecting a sperm with fewer abnormalities, genetically.

Moreover, your sperm count depletes through time. Freezing your sperm in your 20s provides a greater chance of having a baby once you decide that you want to build a family.

2. Duty calls? No problem.

Adulting is a phase where we need to make crucial choices for the improvement of our lives. We need to decide where we will be working, or how we will be able to earn money for ourselves and our future endeavors. This includes being away from our partner for prolonged periods of time if necessary.

Sperm freezing would be a beacon of light for people in long-distance relationships. There are jobs that require us to be away from our home for some time. Cryopreservation will be the answer whenever we want to have a baby even if we are away from our partners. Awesome, right?

3. Medical hindrances no more

Some men experience medical conditions where their reproductive system may be affected. This may sometimes affect their fertility in the future, but worry no more! Sperm freezing is the answer.
Sperm freezing for people with medical conditions is a great method for preserving the quality or count of sperm in case of times when your fertility is threatened. This sheds light on an opportunity for people who are scheduled for vasectomies or organ removal to have their own offspring in the future.

Freezing your sperm might sound like nothing more than a novelty idea, but it is something that young adult men should be considering. 

Did you know that an IVF in Davao City offers sperm freezing? Check out IVF Davao, Inc. for more information on the procedure and for full details on the procedure.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

IVF Success Rate In Geriatric Women

A pregnancy that occurs when a person is 35 years or older is known as an advanced maternal age pregnancy. In the medical world, it's also sometimes known as a " geriatric pregnancy."

Generally, the IVF success rate in younger women is higher. However, women in the advanced maternal age may still be capable of bearing children through the IVF process.

Nevertheless, fertility specialists still have a cutoff for women above 42 years old because pregnancy in your mid-forties is dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Also, the chance of your baby developing inborn congenital disabilities is higher.

Potential risks of a geriatric pregnancy

The likelihood of women developing either gestational hypertension or diabetes or maybe even both increases the older that she gets. While studies have shown that these complications disappear after the woman gives birth in her younger years, it may carry over during her late maternal age.

Babies who are conceived during a mother's geriatric years have a higher chance of being born with chromosomal abnormalities such as down syndrome. Or sometimes, in the worst-case scenario, the woman will have a miscarriage or stillbirth.

It may take more than one IVF cycle to get pregnant

In Vitro Fertilization is no guarantee that you may have children. Similar to natural methods of conceiving, it's not a one time deal. Some women can get it done on the first try, and others will go through endless cycles of IVF to bring one child into the world.

If you've been through more IVF cycles than you can count that didn't turn out the way you expected it to, your fertility specialist will advise you to stop. As hard as it is to hear, you shouldn't feel bad for yourself. There are other ways to have children.

Geriatric pregnancy care

Before you begin your IVF procedure, your doctor may advise you to be at an appropriate weight. Being overweight or underweight can directly influence the outcome of your IVF procedure. Your fertility specialist may require bed rest for the second and third trimester of your pregnancy.

Like any pregnancy, you will need to live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise daily, take prenatal vitamins with folate in it, eat a balanced diet, and learn to rest when it is needed.

If you're a geriatric mother who needs the help of fertility specialists in Davao feel free to leave IVF Davao a message. They will be there to help you on your journey to becoming parents.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Female Fertility Preservation

A decline in available eggs is a very common cause of infertility. Women are born with their life-long supply of eggs and as they age their reserve of eggs naturally diminishes each month. When a woman no longer has any viable eggs left she enters the menopause, apart from other factors.

Fertility preservation refers to the process of freezing a woman's eggs, her embryos, or her ovarian tissue. This may give her the potential to conceive in the future should she be unable to become pregnant naturally. Fertility preservation can become an option to consider if you think you have trouble conceiving in the future. Learn more about your options for female fertility preservation and IVF in Davao below.

The Factors that Limit Fertility in Women

Many factors can limit a woman's ability to conceive, including:

Planned surgery to remove the ovaries
Chemotherapy that can damage eggs
Radiation therapy to the pelvis
Medications that can damage eggs
Genetic causes of rapidly decreasing egg numbers
Advancing age

Cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery can speed up the natural decline in available eggs, thereby reducing or destroying the egg reserve. The risk of being infertile after cancer treatment depends upon the type of treatment, the woman's fertility before treatment, and her age. A cancer specialist can provide an estimate of the likelihood that chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy will decrease fertility.

There are three options that may be available for female fertility preservation. These are embryo freezing, egg freezing, and ovarian tissue freezing, but Cryopreservation or embryo freezing is a unique option.

How Does Cryopreservation or Embryo Freezing Work?

Embryo freezing involves a procedure called in-vitro fertilization (IVF) where eggs are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, and then the resulting embryos are frozen (cryopreserved). IVF can be performed using either a male partner or a donor's sperm.

The ovaries would be stimulated to produce more eggs than usual using medication. The medication would be taken daily for about 12 days. Blood tests and ultrasound examinations would be used to monitor the growth of the follicles (the fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries that contain maturing eggs). Once these follicles are mature, they would be drained through the top of the vagina using a needle guided by ultrasound.

How Long Does Cryopreservation Take?

This procedure takes approximately 20 minutes and is usually done under anesthetic (although conscious sedation is an option). A microscope is used to search the fluid for the eggs, and then these eggs are fertilized in the laboratory with sperm from a partner or a donor. Embryos that develop successfully are then frozen for future use, and often a number of embryos are obtained and frozen from an IVF cycle.

When the woman is ready to use her frozen embryos, she may have to take medication to help develop the lining of her uterus in preparation for embryo implantation (particularly if she is menopausal), or it may be possible to do a transfer in a natural menstrual cycle.

If you live in Davao and you want to know more about the IVF cost in Davao, check their website now at