Monday, May 27, 2019

Myths About Fertility

A lot of factors come into play when it comes to fertility, and with that, a lot of myths surrounding it are often passed around, too. This can cause not only misinformation but unnecessary distress for the couple as well.

As the most trusted source on IVF in Davao, we want to make sure those myths are effectively dispelled. Here’s what you should really know about fertility. 

Myth # 1 - Infertility is extremely uncommon

Infertility, and the many medical issues that come along with it are actually pretty common. Millions of couples around the world, some just trying for their first child, others their third, struggle with conceiving and successfully carrying out a full pregnancy.

Infertility, while not normal, is a common problem and those struggling with it should not think twice about seeking medical assistance.

Myth # 2 - Infertility only happens to older people

While age does have a significant effect on fertility, it is not the only factor that matters. Young women and men are also vulnerable to infertility due to other causes. These could include: reproductive conditions or diseases, having undergone medical treatments or procedures before, exposure to radiation or toxins, and being over/underweight.

Myth # 3 - Infertility is a woman’s concern

Infertility is most definitely not something that only the woman in the relationship should worry about. Male factor infertility counts for a third of infertility cases, while another third is due to unexplained factors. With that, it can be said that male infertility should be checked out just as much as female infertility is.

Myth # 4 - If you’ve had kids before, your fertility is secure

If you’ve successfully gotten pregnant and had a child/children before, whether it was through IVF or through natural means, there still stands a chance of struggling with infertility.

If you were able to achieve so via IVF before, chances are the problems that caused your infertility then will still cause you trouble this time around. And if you were able to do things naturally, there still lies concern with you being older now.

Myth # 5 - IVF is unnecessary and too expensive

Many consider IVF as an ultimate last option after all others have been exhausted since it is typically expensive to undergo. Because of this intimidation at the cost, many also view the procedure as something that isn’t necessary at all and choose to persist using less-effective and less-proven ways to assist them in achieving pregnancy.

The fact of the matter is, IVF treatment does tend to get expensive, but there are ways to combat it. A lot of fertility centers offer payment options that help ease the burden of payment, making it a viable option for any couple.

These are just 5 of the most talked about myths regarding fertility out there. As always, it is the best course of action to consult with your local IVF service provider
regarding your fertility options.

If you’re in the Philippines, consider visiting the foremost authority in fertility and in vitro fertilization in Mindanao. From providing you everything you need to know about the procedures to IVF cost in Davao, you’re sure to find it to be a helpful part of your journey.

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