Thursday, April 4, 2019

Helping Yourself Get Through IVF Treatment

When you deeply long to be a parent, you will be willing to go through any downs and difficulties necessary to bring your long awaited bundle of joy into the world. As wonderful as the journey to being a parent can get, there will be instances wherein you may feel tired and just about ready to give up, especially when it comes to a process such as IVF.

As part of being the most trusted in vitro fertilization clinic in Davao, we want to make sure our patients take care of themselves as their journey progresses. Here are some ways to cope as you go through IVF.

1. Get counseling

Counseling before, during, and after the treatment can be incredibly helpful in helping manage anxiousness, stress, fatigue, anger, and any other negative feelings you might find yourself having with IVF.

With the medication and the heaviness of the process itself, experiencing said feelings is completely normal and is more than manageable with help from a reliable therapist or specialized counselor.

2. Gather as much support as possible

It is a given that you will garner as much support as possible from friends and family, but you will find that you can find a helpful amount of support in joining online or physical support groups with people who truly understand what you’re going through.

IVF support groups are everywhere, and by being able to talk with people who are going through or have gone through the same treatment, it will help you to feel less alone and more courageous about the experience.

3. Get as much rest as you can

As restless as you may feel as you go through IVF, it is crucial that you get yourself to take as much time out as possible to relax and calm down, both physically and mentally. The process in itself already can already take a significant toll on you as parents; it’s vital you don’t add stress to your mind and body any further.

Apart from getting enough sleep, you can try meditation, going to spas, writing in a journal, or simply getting yourself comfortable in front of your favorite show to help you ease your state of mind and get your body in the mood to rest.

4. Talk to your fertility specialist

A lot of the anxieties and worries that patients who are going through IVF have typically stemmed from uncertainties regarding the medical aspect of the process. How much of a chance do we have at successful conception? Will it hurt? What if my body reacts negatively?

These are all viable questions and can only be answered by consulting with a specialist who’s experienced with fertility treatment and IVF itself.

If you’re in the Philippines and are considering IVF as a fertility treatment option, you can consult with the first and best facility offering in vitro fertilization in Davao.

Remember, no matter how many struggles you may encounter along the way, it will all be well worth it in the end, and there will always be professionals to help you throughout the journey.

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